Conditions We Treat

Locating the Root Cause of Your Pain

Scottsdale Pain Management Specialists

At Orion Pain, our interventionalists are physicians who work to diagnose and identify where your pain is coming from in order to treat it and prevent future pain. Our holistic, customized approach means we try alternative routes before prescribing painkillers, which can be habit forming or dangerous when not used exactly as prescribed. Our primary goal is for patients to effectively and substantially diminish or alleviate pain without resorting to surgery, prescription opioids, or significant downtime.

A Holistic Approach to Pain Management

Our balanced approach to treating acute or chronic pain means we address all aspects of your pain: Emotional, social, and psychological. Treatment goals are simple — to minimize pain, improve function, decrease any dependency on painkillers, and get you back to you.
Orion Pain is certified by the American Osteopathic Association and the Arizona Society for Interventional Pain Physicians, and our experienced physicians trained at well-respected medical institutions.

Be you again. To contact our pain management specialists in Scottsdale, either contact us online or dial 602-475-5646 to book your appointment. Se habla español.

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    Orion Pain Facility - Scottsdale


    Our Office

    16700 N. Thompson Peak
    Pkwy., suite 170
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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